Album of the Day
Both Sides (Deluxe)

Released 25 years ago this month, Phil Collins' BOTH SIDES recalls the introspective atmosphere of his breakthrough solo debut FACE VALUE. Featuring the Top 10 hit “Both Sides of the Story” as well as further singles “Everyday” and “We Wait And We Wonder,” the Atlantic collection topped charts around the world and was certified platinum by the R.I.A.A. “BOTH SIDES is my favorite album, from a songwriting and creative perspective,” remarked the performer in a recent interview. “It was very much a solo album. I played everything, the songs just streamed out of me, and as a writer that's the kind of thing that you dream of.” Curated and compiled by Collins himself, the 2-CD Deluxe Edition of BOTH SIDES includes a disc of carefully selected b-side, demo and live tracks, six of which are previously unreleased on CD.