Album of the Day
Come On Down!

If the oranges on the cover of Eddie Harris' COME ON DOWN! are a nod to the Miami locale where the album was recorded, the music is sweet and refreshing as well. Produced by Tom Dowd, the 1970 Atlantic collection arrived in stores not long after Eddie's star-making work with Les McCann, and the saxophonist calls on some talented collaborators here as well, including guitarist Cornell Dupree and Booker T. & The M.G.'s bassist Donald “Duck” Dunn. Rock and funk surface frequently in this jazz session, with “Don't You Know Your Future's in Space,” “Live Right Now” and “Why Don't You Quit” - all Harris originals – among the highlights. COME ON DOWN! was released 50 years ago today, and its energetic, free-wheeling musical spirit does the Sunshine State proud.