Album of the Day
Bee Gees
Bee Gees

When siblings sing together, the harmony is often so close that individual voices are hard to distinguish; one of the most illuminating aspects of the Bee Gees' MYTHOLOGY is that each of the Gibbs gets his own share of the spotlight. The 4-volume set devotes a disc to each brother; Barry and Robin selected their personal favorites for the 2010 collection, and the families of Maurice and Andy picked theirs. The 81 tracks range from such early pop classics as “To Love Somebody,” “Massachusetts” and “I've Gotta Get A Message To You” (which reached No.1 in the U.K. on this day in 1968) to such '70s dancefloor smashes as “Jive Talkin',” “Stayin' Alive” and “More Than a Woman.” Along with the hits, MYTHOLOGY unearths the previously unreleased "Angel of Mercy," "The Bridge" and "Arrow Through the Heart." From the crest on its cover art, this lovingly compiled boxed set has the feel of a family album, and is an ideal survey of one of the greatest brother acts in musical history.