Album of the Day

The 1980 self-titled release by Pretenders was a record that classic rock, new wave and punk fans all could love. Its dozen tracks include such distinctive originals as “Precious,” “Kid,” “Mystery Achievement” and the hit single “Brass In Pocket,” as well as an inspired cover of The Kinks' “Stop Your Sobbing.” That former music journalist Chrissie Hynde would prove an outstanding songwriter may not have been a surprise, but her alternately tough and tender vocals surpassed all expectations; throw in a top-flight guitarist (James Honeyman-Scott) and rhythm section (bassist Pete Farndon and drummer Martin Chambers) and you have a band ready to take on the world. PRETENDERS made the Top 10 on the Billboard chart, went platinum and is still cited as one of the greatest debuts of all time. We'll give it another spin now in honor of Farndon, who was born on this day in 1952.