Album of the Day
Live At Max’s Kansas City (Expanded & Remastered)
The Velvet Underground
The Velvet Underground

Years before anyone had ever heard of CBGB, Max's was THE place in New York City to see cutting-edge rock acts (and mingle with Manhattan scenesters). Near the top of that list was The Velvet Underground, whose final show with leader Lou Reed (until a brief '90s reunion) is documented on LIVE AT MAX”S KANSAS CITY. The quartet mixed such older favorites as “I'll Be Your Mirror,” “Femme Fatale” and “I'm Waiting For The Man” with new songs like “Sweet Jane” and “New Age” from their soon-to-be-released LOADED, with plenty of venue atmosphere heard throughout (like an audience conversation where Jim Carroll hits someone up for pills). Rhino's Expanded & Remastered Edition of the seminal collection includes both sets the band played that night in their entirety, and we'll pay another visit to MAX'S in honor of Reed, born on this day in 1942.