Album of the Day
Talk on Corners
Among the most popular family acts in Irish history, The Corrs are sisters Andrea, Sharon and Caroline, and brother Jim Corr. The quartet began their rise to fame in the 1990s, thanks largely to their second album, TALK ON CORNERS. The recording was initiated in California, with producer David Foster shepherding The Corrs' harmony-rich blend of Celtic and pop/rock musics, but the project passed through a number of phases in its evolution. Released to modest success, the collection got a boost when the group worked up a version of Fleetwood Mac's “Dreams”; on this day in 1998, Mick Fleetwood joined the band for a St. Patrick's Day performance of the song. When the cover became a hit, it was added to the album along with club-friendly remixes of the set's “What Can I Do” and “So Young.” The re-released version topped the U.K. album chart, and TALK ON CORNERS remains among The Corrs' best